She uses the Pomodoro time management technique during workdays, and stretches during longer breaks.

Her workdays are Monday to Saturday, with Sunday as rest day for herself. In August 2019, Rachel opened up about working around 60-70 hours per week on Lore Olympus. Creating Lore Olympus is her full time job. She has said she “basically started it out for fun.” It launched on featured on March 4 th 2018. Rachel Smythe started Lore Olympus in May 2017. FX - add Canvas - for texture (used on an overlay layer in photoshop).Kyle’s real watercolour - Medium wash texture.Kyle’s paintbox - Gouache a go-go - Shading (sometimes).Kyle’s drawing box - Wet Pencil - line art.Smythe uses while creating Lore Olympus are : But when you’re making a comic, it is kind of like being a director in a lot of ways like you pick everything that goes in it, and the flow of it, and what everyone’s wearing, and decide how everything looks.” Over the years she has used many art styles, her mindset is that “establishing a style is ongoing as long as you’re creating art.” Regarding her medium, Rachel has said “what really drove me to make comics in the first place is I really wanted to be a director, but like being a woman in my 30’s, based in New Zealand, who had trained to be a graphic designer was kind of unrealistic to retrain to be a director.

You know, it’s just been one of the best years of my life working with them this year.” While illustrating Lore Olympus, Rachel Smythe intentionally relies on colour and lighting to create atmosphere. She has been grateful for her experience with Webtoons saying in 2019, “as an artist really look out for you, and I can say they are such a great company to work with. She has explained that the built-in audience on Webtoons “helped a lot” when it came to building a fan following of her work. Interest in her projects has fluctuated since she started posting art online, and Rachel has said that there was so little interest “at the start of 2017, I could not pay people to look at my artwork.” Launched in 2018, Lore Olympus has been Rachel’s most popular project to date, with over 4.8 million regular readers worldwide. She graduated from Whangunui School of Design (Whangunui, NZ) with a Bachelor’s degree of Computer Graphics and Design (2005-2007). Rachel Smythe has been producing artwork and posting it online since roughly 2004.